This page was resurrected from an old version of this website. It's useful, and the download still works, so it's staying. In the future I may upload an earlier version of the flash player for older SWFs that may be broken.
So you know how Flash used to be a big part of the internet and everything? You know how awesome that was? Well, because of bogus crap like "serious security concerns" and "being nigh impossible to maintain", Adobe has shut down Flash. And just recently, they've taken down all downloads of the Flash Player.
You will not be able to view Flash content in a browser anymore (use Ruffle for that - but it's very buggy atm), but in its own application. Most SWFs will run smoothly on them though, perhaps even better than a browser.
As a Homestuck fan and flash game enjoyer, this totally sucks ass. I get removing the element from the browsers, but REALLY? You're just gonna all up and REMOVE all of the debug downloads as well? THIS CANNOT STAND. NOT ON THE FREE WEB!
If you wanna do this the hard way, Adobe, we're gonna do this the hard way.
Luckily for the internet, I saved a copy of the Adobe Flash Player - particularly, the standalone debug version, which was available shortly after the browser players got culled. This version dates to November 2020.
As this is a standalone .exe (Windows only, sorry!) no installer is required.
"Adobe Flash Player 32.0 r0", ~16.0 MB, released 25 Nov 2020, downloaded 12 Feb 2022
BTW, don't worry about viruses or anything. I downloaded it directly from Adobe's website (just before it was taken down), and this file is hashed and certified by Adobe itself. Trust me bro.